The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:
A Colorful History of Merced County
Thursday, October 6, 2011
From 5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m

Opening on October 6, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: A Colorful History of Merced County” will be the newest exhibit of the Merced County Courthouse Museum. It will explore little known history of Merced County from before the County’s inception in 1855 to the present day. Some highlights of the exhibit include the whereabouts of Joaquin Murrieta, the Snelling Wild West shoot-out, the legacy of freed slaves, avenging the honor of Rowena Steele, the Livingston connection of the Dalton Gang, the 1906 earthquake, the bootlegging affair, the 1931 fatal school bus accident, the heroic polio fights, and the underworld of vice king-Rusty Doan. At the opening reception on Thursday, October 6, Charlie Galatro will give a PowerPoint presentation entitled, “Heroes or Villains: Joaquin Murrieta and the Dalton Gang” at 6:00pm.

Making Moonshine by the Merced River near Snelling during the Prohibition.
Making Moonshine by the Merced River near Snelling during the Prohibition.

Prohibition Raid in the 1920s: District Attorney F. M. Ostrander and Sheriff W. T. White
Prohibition Raid in the 1920s: District Attorney F. M. Ostrander and Sheriff W. T. White