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Lewis and Clark Revisited: A Trail in Modern Day
Photographs by Greg MacGregor
Photographs by Greg MacGregor
May 8, 2008 - June 29, 2008
Following in the footsteps of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they searched for the Northwest Passage, contemporary photographer Greg MacGregor traces the historic 19th century journey west to see the route as it exists today. The Merced County Courthouse Museum presents "Lewis & Clark Revisited: A Trail in Modern Day" from May 8 to June 29.
Using the Lewis and Clark journals as his guide, MacGregor follows the original path from St. Charles, Missouri to the Oregon coast as much as possible and captures vivid images along the way. This exhibition includes 60 stunning black and white images chronicling the 200 years of human inhabitance and showing the transformation of the land and its people.
"Lewis and Clark Revisited" speaks to the legacy of those early explorers who opened up the west to a young nation's imagination and settlement and, at the same time, provides a rich visual commentary on contemporary American life.
At the opening reception on Thursday, May 8, a virtual journey of Lewis and Clark Expedition narrated by Herb Wood will be shown at the Museum at 6 p.m. For more information, please contact the museum office at (209) 723-2401.
The "Lewis and Clark Revisited: A Trail in Modern Day" exhibition tour was organized by Greg MacGregor and the California Exhibition Resources Alliance (CERA). CERA is a network of professionally operated museums and cultural organizations that collaborate to create and tour smaller, affordable, high quality exhibitions that enhance civic engagement and human understanding. CERA is supported by generous grants from The James Irvine Foundation and The William Randolph Hearst Foundation.