Wherever There’s a Fight:
A History of Civil Liberties in California
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Merced County Courthouse Museum will present the “Wherever There’s a Fight: A History of Civil Liberties in California” exhibit beginning Thursday, Apr. 25, at 5p.m. This traveling exhibition from Exhibit Envoy covers the period from the Gold Rush to the post-9/11 era and tells the hidden stories of unsung heroes throughout California who stood up for their rights in the face of social hostility, physical violence, and economic hardship. At the exhibit opening, a documentary entitled, “Merced Assembly Center Memorial: Injustice Immortalized,” will be shown at 6p.m. The exhibit will run through June 16.

Merced Assembly Center Memorial at the Merced County Fairgrounds, Dedicated February 2010
Merced Assembly Center Memorial at the Merced County Fairgrounds, Dedicated February 2010

New U.S. Citizens Sworn In at Merced Naturalization Ceremony on June 14, 1962
New U.S. Citizens Sworn In at Merced Naturalization Ceremony on June 14, 1962

United Farmworkers Union Strike at the Kovacevich Ranch, 1973 (Photo by Rick Tejada-Flores )
United Farmworkers Union Strike at the Kovacevich Ranch, 1973 (Photo by Rick Tejada-Flores )